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Lantern 翻译_Lantern 翻译

时间:2023-07-12 19:16 阅读数:3882人阅读

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Lantern 翻译

NATIONALLantern's Festival Time for lanterns and changes The Guanghui Twin Towers,a commercial center located at in the Xuhui District of east China's Shanghai,is under construction and Travel-China.org.cnIf you've seen a Chinese lantern before,it was probably made in Zigong,Sichuan province.However,the best place to see them is at the city's lantern show. If you're planning a visit。

端午节我们来说说holiday和festival的区别the Lantern Festival 元宵节the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节the Chongyang Festival 重阳节File photo:The Yuanmingyuan Cup Dragon Boat Competition was held in Yuanmingyuan Ruins ParkBaiduThe name"Baidu"is a quote from the last line of Xin Qiji's classical poem"Green Jade Table in The Lantern Festival"saying:"Having searched for her hundreds and thousands of times 。

“春晚”怎么说-英语点津正月lunar January 除夕New Year's Eve;eve of lunar New Year 元宵节The Lantern Festival 糖果盘candy tray 守岁staying-up 相关链接:英国俚语:票贩子(英语点津陈蓓编辑)鸡年大吉!送你一份春节专用英语表达大全,拜年英语学起来!中青在线the Lantern Festival 正月the first month of the lunar year 二月二Dragon Heads-raising Day 本命年the animal year in which one was born 生肖、属相Chinese zodiac 年Nian;Year 。

你家年货办了吗?“办年货”用英语怎么说?Lantern 灯笼Food 食物Candy 糖果Fruits 水果Dessert 甜品Sunflower seeds 瓜子Tea 茶Chinese spirits 白酒Beer 啤酒Juice 果汁Others 其他Firecracker 炮竹Cards 纸牌Red 一课译词:鼠目寸光-Chinadaily.com.cnTourists visit a lantern fair marking the Year of the Rat at Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai on Jan 13,2020.[Photo by Wang Gang/For China Daily] 今年是鼠年,中文里有许多与“鼠”有关的。

●△● 今天是元宵节,四条英文灯谜一起来猜猜看!中国日报网the Lantern Festival 元宵/汤圆yuanxiao/tangyuan(sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) 灯会Lantern Carnival 孔明灯the sky lantern(Kung-Ming lantern) 放烟花set off 无标题文档Directions:It can be found on the north side of Gu Lou Dong Da Jie(Drum Tower East Avenue in English).From the entrance of Xiao Jing Chang Hu Tong,walk north for about 200 meters 。

