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lantern day是什么节日

时间:2023-07-04 11:59 阅读数:9378人阅读

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lantern day是什么节日

Lantern Festival-英语点津A Chinese woman walks under lanterns in Yu Garden in Shanghai February 12,2006.Chinese people celebrate on Sunday the traditional Lantern Festival which marks the last day of the 紫禁城上元之夜Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden CityThe Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the"Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City"will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20. 。

>▂< Sweetest Day(美国甜蜜日)Sweetest Day is always the third Saturday in October.This holiday is much important in some regions than in others(Detroit,Cleveland and Buffalo being the biggest Sweetest DayHalloween 开心又恐怖的节日Rob:Well,that's a good question.Actually I've already bought one pumpkin,not for myself,but for my children.My daughter is four years old now and I'm going to carve a Jack-O-。

+^+ Saint Lucia's Day(瑞典圣露西亚节)After lunch most schools close on Santa Lucia day around noon.It is a national holiday which comes on the 13th of December.There are also special foods for Lucia's Day like spicy Saint Lucia's Day(瑞典圣露西亚节)英语点津After lunch most schools close on Santa Lucia day around noon.It is a national holiday which comes on the 13th of December.There are also special foods for Lucia's Day like spicy 。

知否知否,元宵节可是古代的浪漫“情人节”Chinadaily.com.cn“元宵节”(the Lantern Festival),又称灯节、元夕、上元节,标志性时间在一年的第一个月圆之夜—正月十五。几千年以来,人们形成了赏花灯、猜灯谜、放烟花、吃汤圆等传统元宵节习俗。这一天Festive China:Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month on Chinese lunar calendar,which is Feb 26 this year.Its arrival also marks the end of Spring Festival celebrations.。

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 世界环境日World Environment Day世界环境日,设立于每年6月5日,是联合国最重要的纪念日之一,旨为提高世界人们的环保意识和增强政治上的影响力。Make your WED commitment today.But don’t stop at today and don’t stop Festive China:Lantern Festival-Chinadaily.com.cnThe Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month on Chinese lunar calendar,which is Feb 5 this year.Its arrival also marks the end of Spring Festival celebrations.。

