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variation analysis

时间:2024-07-06 07:31 阅读数:4254人阅读

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ˇ▽ˇ Teamcenter Visualization Variation Analysis 简称VA(以前的VSA)是一个功能强大的尺寸公差分析工具。其通过仿真制造与装配过程来预测产品的尺寸质量及偏差源贡献因子,从英文:The study is contributed to the variation analysis of the random field of mechanical parameters for rock and soil and the parameter estimation of the elem。

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供variation analysis的在线翻译,variation analysis是什么意思,variation analysis的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。variation analyWith Variation Analysis, a 3D digital prototype is created to simulate the production build process. The digital prototype includes a comprehensive representati。

ˇ0ˇ analysisn. (pl. -ses ) 1.分解,分析;【数学】解.analysisn. (pl. -ses ) 1.分解,分析;【数学】解析The non-classic boundary condition of the elastic instability has been educed by the energy functional variation analysis. So a criterion equation of the elasti。

variationn. 1.[C,U]变化,变动,变化的程度2.[C]变形(物),变种3.[C](音乐)变奏曲.沪江词库精选variation analysis是什么意思、英语单词推荐、variation analysis的用法、大家好,学习Variation Analysis (VSA)三维公差分析的朋友,可以访问以下链接查看官方介绍及相关文档https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/zh/products/tecnomatix/manufa。

