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Lantern FestivalFebruary 28th is the Lantern Festival of 2010. Attractions Lantern Festival Updated:2010-03-01 18:26 Large Medium Small Riddles on the lanterns Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Lantern Festival:Yuan XiaoThe Lantern Festival(or Yuan Xiao Festival in Chinese)is an important traditional Chinese festival,which is on the 15th of the first lunar month,marking the end of celebrations of 。

Lantern ShowThe 3.7-kilometer-long ancient walls of Taiyuan county have been decorated with 141 groups of lanterns made by some 300 craftspeople who designed the Chinese lantern festival 洋葱学院点击加载更多中国青年报联系方式|招聘|广告刊例|印刷厂|网上暴恐有害信息举报|举报电话:13641153091|广告发布支持京ICP备16062000号-3 京网文【2013】0922-971号京公网安备。

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